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Development of an innovative LCA Tool to help horticultural companies improve their Environmental Footprint
In 2019 Blonk started a project for Growing Media Europe (GME), the European association of growing media producers, to set up a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) platform, making it easy and accessible for their members and any other stakeholder to measure and improve the environmental footprint of growing media products.
The GME LCA platform is now live and available.

Development of Dutch GFLI datasets
The Dutch Feed Industry Association represents the interests of its members, 90 animal feed producers. Blonk has updated the Nevedi Carbon Footprint list with animal feed ingredients. This ingredient list is extensively used by the Dutch dairy industry, since the calculated feed impacts are used as input for the Kringloopwijzer. The Nevedi Carbon Footprint list allows to be easily used on a harmonized method by Nevedi members and follows GLFI wherever possible.
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GME LCA platform
In 2019 Blonk started a project for Growing Media Europe (GME), the European association of growing media producers, to set up a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) platform, making it easy and accessible for their members and any other stakeholder to measure and improve the environmental footprint of growing media products.
The GME LCA platform is an online tool that brings together the Growing Media Environmental Footprint Guidelines (GMEF guidelines) and an LCA database.

Blonk Sustainability Tools
Explore Blonk Sustainability's comprehensive databases and digital tools designed to assess environmental impact for the agri-food value chain. A modular-driven and customer centric approach, scalable and extendable to meet customer requirements, built on cloud-based technologies and backed by international guidance such as IPCC and EU's Product Environmental Footprint(PEF) the digital tools are designed to empower you to make informed decision making for your sustainability practices.